Bull Terrier Club of SA Inc

Heather Hernen



Phone Number

0405 945 596


Postal Address





Bull Terrier Club of SA Inc

When was the club founded:
The Bull Terrier Club of South Australia Inc was formed in 1976 at the home of Mr Chris and Mrs Wendy Bird in Elizabeth South Australia.

What does the club do:
The Bull Terrier Club of South Australia Inc holds a confirmation championship show weekend once a year with generally international judges. We regularly host the Bull Terrier National Show and Trophy Shows for both Bull Terrier and Bull Terrier (Miniatures).

The Club provides opportunities for trainee judges to listen to critiquing of Bull Terriers and Bull Terrier (Miniatures) at our shows, as well as the opportunity to asses dogs.
The Club will also assist councils and/or owners of lost dogs by contacting members, breeders and post in our Facebook group.

The Club offers a breeders directory whom are approved by the club to abide by an additional code of ethics. The Club regularly does breed promotion at Royal Adelaide Show and other pet events.

Interesting Information about the Club:
We have an active Facebook group where members can ask health questions, feeding questions and overall questions related to their Bull Terrier and Bull Terrier (Miniatures) that have unique personalities and traits. Club members are encouraged to share relevant information with other members, good toys, leads, obedience clubs and walks organised by members.

The Club holds regular fundays including a halloween fancy dress that is a big hit.

This is a show venue

