Manchester Terrier

Breed Details


Exercise Requirements:

Grooming Requirements:


6-10 Kg (Approx)

Life Span:

15-17 years (Approx)


Manchester Terriers are eye-catching little dogs. The head is long and wedge-shaped with bright, almond-shaped eyes and small v-shaped ears set high. The short body has a straight to slightly roach back and a whiptail.

Legs are in proportion to the dog, neither too short nor too long. Colour is jet black with rich mahogany-tan markings. The coat is smooth and glossy with a firm texture.

The Manchester Terrier is strongly people oriented and makes a wonderful family companion.


People who own a Manchester Terrier may be asked if it’s a Miniature Dobermann. It’s an easy mistake to make at first glance, as this unusual little Terrier does somewhat resemble the Dobermann breed, but that’s where the similarities end.

Manchester Terriers are said to be the descendants of the old English Black-and-Tan Terrier. Unlike most Terrier breeds, the Manchester is a city dog. Shipping docks around Liverpool and Manchester were alive with rats due to poor sanitation in the 1800s, so there was plenty of work for this quick-witted and nimble Terrier.

When the Kennel Club opened its stud books in 1873, the Manchester Terrier was still known as the English Black-and-Tan Terrier. At the time, the distinguished dog judge and writer Hugh Dalziel described the Manchester as the most elegant and graceful of all Terriers.


High-spirited, agile and intelligent, the Manchester Terrier is an affectionate dog that makes a wonderful companion. It is devoted and faithful; extremely lively, alert, keen and vigilant.

The Manchester Terrier is eager to please and excels in both Agility and Obedience. Being of athletic build, the breed is very active and benefits from daily exercise. However, given the choice, the Manchester Terrier prefers the company of people to a long walk. At first, a Manchester Terrier can be a little reserved; it is not everyone’s immediate friend. Therefore, early and positive socialisation is essential for a young Manchester Terrier.


The breed’s smooth coat and devotion to family make it an ideal house and watchdog. Being a sociable animal, the Manchester Terrier is not suited to a solitary life in the backyard.

Its short coat does shed, but is easily maintained with a quick brush and occasional wash as required. During winter, the breed would benefit from a dog coat at night or on very cold days.

The Manchester Terrier is a suitable pet for a wide range of situations, from families with children to active older people. A true Terrier, the breed is intelligent and affectionate with people.

The Manchester Terrier is low maintenance, sound in health and loyal at heart. It has an affectionate nature and would be an excellent choice for an urban or country household. Manchester Terriers are not entirely reliable around small, non-canine animals, as its hunting instincts are strong.

The breed should be socialised as a puppy and introduced to children as early as possible. If its needs as a canine are met, the Manchester Terrier will make a wonderful family companion.


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