Japanese Chin

Breed Details


Exercise Requirements:

Grooming Requirements:


1.4-6.8 kg (approx)

Life Span:

12-14 years (approx)


The Japanese Chin is a small, well-balanced, lively, aristocratic toy dog with a distinctive Oriental expression. It is light and stylish in action. The plumed tail is carried over the back, curving to either side. The coat is profuse, silky, soft, and straight. The dog's outline presents a square appearance.

Black and white or red and white. Never tricolour. Red includes all shades of sable, lemon, or orange. The brighter and clearer the red the better. Colour evenly distributed on cheeks and ears and as patches on the body. White should be clear, not flecked.


The Japanese chin is an old toy breed that most likely evolved from the Tibetan spaniel. Dogs similar in appearance to the chin have been found on ancient pottery and old Chinese temples. The dogs appear to have originated in China. It is reported that the Chinese Emperor gave a pair of chin to the Japanese Emperor. The first European records of the chin go back to the 1600s when Portuguese sailors presented Princess Catherine of Braganza with some chins as a gift. In 1853, Admiral Commodore Perry gave Queen Victoria a pair of chin after his warships visited Japan. World War I and Japanese earthquakes diminished the numbers of chin in Japan.

No firm records exist as to when the chin first appeared in the United States. When they were first recognized in the States, they were called Japanese spaniels. In 1977, the American Kennel Club recognized them as the Japanese chin.


Japanese Chin is a lively, brave, and ambitious little dog. Chin is a great caretaker for an apartment but does not bark unnecessarily.

Japanese Chin is very friendly, cheerful and he generously shares positive emotions with others. But they never show if they are upset with something, they are too decent for this purpose and in the manner of their ancient homeland are trying not to "lose face." However, Chins have a tender and fragile soul, one needs to be a very loving owner, to understand in time, that his Chin is sad and not to make him suffer.


The Japanese Chin does require regular bathing and brushing. Japanese Chins may groom themselves like cats, but they can't keep their hair smooth and tangle-free without help. Even a few days of neglect can cause the formation of an unsightly mat, which will take time and patience to work out.

This aristocratic toy dog can be bathed as frequently as every week up to no longer than 6 weeks, depending on lifestyle, with a happy medium being somewhere in the middle. Maintaining healthy skin and coat are of primary importance.


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